Peel and Stick Wallpaper VS Traditional Wallpaper: Which to Choose
With the peel and stick craze going strong, it seems like every home decor lover is trying to apply for peel and stick wallpapers, also called removable wallpaper at their home. Which should you choose for your home decor, peel and stick vs traditional wallpaper?
Peel and stick wallpaper vs regular wallpaper: Installation
Peel and stick wallpaper: The installing method is a major difference between peel and stick wallpaper and traditional wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is self-adhesive and known as easy to install wallpaper. You do not need to buy any glue to make your wallpaper sticky so that there will be no glue residue left on the wall and destroy your wall. There is a backing paper adhering to the main paper, you should pull back which when installing peel and stick wallpapers. More is included in How to Install Wallpaper.
Traditional wallpaper: The installation to apply traditional wallpaper is much more complex. You do need a helper to install those regular wallpapers. Tools like glue are necessary.
Peel and stick vs traditional wallpaper: Removal
Peel and stick wallpaper: Is peel and stick wallpaper easy to remove? Yes! Just peel wallpaper off from a corner to remove it. A hairdryer can help remove peel and stick wallpaper faster and easier. And you will find peel and stick wallpaper comes off easily.
Traditional wallpaper: Removing traditional wallpaper can be a challenge for most of people who remove wallpaper for the first time. Mix vinegar or fabric softener with hot water to wet all the wallpapers. Then try a rigid scraper to pry up the edge of the wallpaper. Beside, traditional wallpaper will be damaged more or less during the removal, so you cannot reuse your traditional wallpaper. Check the full guide: How to Remove Wallpaper
Traditional wallpaper vs self-adhesive wallpaper: Durability
Peel and stick wallpaper: Considering the convenience on removing of self-adhesive wallpaper, you will know traditional wallpaper has better durability than self-adhesive wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpapers are mainly for temporary usage. How long does peel and stick wallpaper last? How you prepare the wall and install the wallpaper influence the durability of peel and stick wallpaper. The environment of your wallpaper make difference as well.
Traditional wallpaper: Traditional wallpapers has stronger durability. They can be used at corners with high traffic withstanding most collisions from your children or pets. Many of them can keep the original appearance for decades.
Peel and stick wallpaper vs traditional wallpaper: Price
Peel and stick wallpaper: Peel and stick wallpapers have lower price and are affordable for most of people. From peel and stick wallpaper online shop like Coloribbon, you can find wallpapers priced from $2.99 to $25.99.
Traditional wallpaper: The regular wallpaper is more costly. The traditional wallpaper can be sell for up to several hundreds of dollars.
How to choose from peel and stick and traditional wallpaper?
Both peel and stick wallpaper and traditional wallpaper have their advantages and it is hard to say which one is better. Depend on your condition, think twice and then choose one suits you better. In regard of its good durability, traditional wallpaper is a good choice when you want to keep your wallpaper for 10 years or more. You’d better have some DIY skills or someone to help you for installing or removing. On the other hand, if you prepare wallpapers for your rental house with limited budget or you would like to change a new wallpaper every 2-3 years, peel and stick wallpaper is better for you.
Top 3 peel and stick wallpapers in 2022
Country Style Rustic Floral Waterproof Self-adhesive Wallpaper
Featuring a crisp background, the pink flower on Country Style Rustic Floral Waterproof Wallpaper has fresh energy.
Peel and Stick Hemp Brown Wood Grain Wallpaper
The wood shape of this Wood Grain Wallpaper makes it looks realistic and brings a vintage feeling to your home.
Peel and Stick Blue Brick Wallpaper
The Blue Brick wallpaper is self-adhesive. The back protective film can be peeled off and pasted easily. Covering any blemish or crack on your wall, this durable Blue Brick Wallpaper creates a wall you will love for years.
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